How do you look after yourself on board a sailing boat?

TRIMARAN YACHT CHARTER > Blog > How do you look after yourself on board a sailing boat?
How do you look after yourself on board a sailing boat? 5

On board, eveyone finds their happiness. You can’t imagine how busy and disconnected your days will be from your daily life ashore.
You will experience the magic of cruising!

For active people, sportsmen and sailors, sailing and manoeuvring will occupy a large part of your time. The study of the weather forecast, the choice of itinerary, the docking and mooring maneuvers, the sail changes, will require a permanent and exciting attention.

For contemplatives, dreamers, this will be the occasion to have no programme at all! Rest, relaxation, idleness and letting go. Simply enjoy the moment and those around you!

Preparations for the cruise

A successful cruise requires a few preparations beforehand to fully enjoy it once on site.

If you are the skipper of the sailboat, you will have previously prepared the itinerary of your cruise in the main lines, (it is nevertheless the holydays and the unforeseen are also welcome). On the other hand, it will be wise to properly integrate the date of return to the charter base and the sailing time needed to achieve this, in order to honor your rental contract.

You can also think about different itineraries according to the weather you will encounter in the area. A detailed study of the nautical charts beforehand will familiarise you with your cruising area.

How do you look after yourself on board a sailing boat? 2
How do you look after yourself on board a sailing boat? 6

The “check in” at the start of your cruise is an essential moment that should not be neglected. That is the good opportunity to check where life jackets, first aid kit, distress flares are and to check the fuel, oil and fresh water levels. You will also inspect the proper functioning of the engine and electronic equipment.

The charter company will provide you with an inventory list and you can check the equipment of your boat together point by point. You will also have all the information you need to contact the departure base if necessary.

Cruising, not just sailing!

The magic of the boat is that it transports you where you want (taking into account the weather) in complete freedom, and that it allows you to approach places where you would not otherwise be able to go. You have the possibility to reach anchorages and wild creeks, accessible only by sea.

Thanks to the dinghy, once your boat is securely anchored, you can disembark ashore and explore the surrounding area.

Hiking is a great way to discover the area, you will often find beautiful paths that start from the coast. You can also rent a car or bicycle to visit the area.


Flippers, masks, snorkels, explore the seabed, paying attention to the current areas.








You don’t need to be a water sports professional to do paddle, a bit of balance, and then you’ll be able to ride among the turtles in the Caribbean for example.





You can go fishing by trolling and anchoring at nightfall. Dinner is ready: fish a la plancha!








You finally have time to devour a good novel while polishing your tan!









Preparing meals on board is a moment of shared pleasure, with local products and your fishing, your menus will take on an exotic flavour!






The aperitif

The highlight of the cruise, it is a moment to be savoured (in moderation) with family or friends. A ti-punch in the West Indies or a very fresh Pietra in Corsica, with a sunset on the horizon, beware, paradise is not far away!

And what about the children?

In order for parents and children to get the most out of their cruise, there are a few precautions and rules to be taken from the start. Family adventure: yes! But whith complete peace of mind. Make them aware of the risks at sea without scaring them. Even if your child knows how to swim, he or she will have to wear a lifejacket during sailing and at anchor depending on his or her age. Do not hesitate to protect them from the sun, which can sometimes be scorching for sensitive skin. Cap, sun cream and sunglasses are recommended.

Rules to be respected on board :

  • Listen and obey the captain.
  • Do not bend or run, let alone jump on deck.
  • Do not touch winches, pulleys, navigational equipment.
  • Never leave a child alone on board.

Favour short sailing (maximum 3 hours) and the joys of anchoring. Children particularly enjoy swimming and the beach. On board, it is important that they have a play area of their own and protected. It is also an opportunity to show them a few simple maneuvers. They learn quickly and will be proud to participate in the life on board.


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